I am a humble leader, a tree hugger conservationist, a farm boy, a gen Z, a boujee Lululemon shopper, a tractor driving, Canon camera shooting, black coffee drinking, perfectionist! A lover of emotion, a cryer, and an overly optimistic human.
Growing up I was always fascinated with cameras, especially with a creative mother who made it a mission each year to capture the perfect Christmas card photo of her 3 kiddos. From starting out on a point-and-shoot kodak to hundreds of weddings in the books, I still get the same excitement of capturing life’s moments.
Beach bum through and through, with the lake coming in as second. Sorry mountains.
A 120-year old biscuit pan that has been passed down generations. Best biscuits ever.
Catch me in the garden whenever it is warm outside. Often growing too many sunflowers.